You didn’t get married to get divorced. Don’t cheat yourself. Make. It. Count.

Do you wonder if you have what it takes to get through a divorce? Could your mindset use a little boost to cope during the most challenging part of your divorce? Would you like to be equipped with the necessary skills to build your life after divorce?

My name is Melissa, I am a divorce coach and single mom of three. I help men and women navigate all stages of separation and divorce. Most importantly, I am someone that refuses to let you go through a divorce without turning it into something meaningful, something you can benefit from for life to come. Because the truth is that you have been through a lot, lost a lot, and sacrificed a lot. So for goodness sakes, make. it. count. Perhaps it’s the wake up call you have always needed to follow your passion, start a new career, improve upon your parenting, or just find out who you are after years tied up in the knot. If this is you, you are speaking my language and I have the education and experience to confidently say, “I am your girl!” I provide expert guidance, support and accountability so that you get through divorce with less destruction to your relationships and your resources, all while building resilience and your best life. Together we make. it. count. I would not have it any other way.

Despite what you think your divorce does not have to:

  • Destroy your children

  • Impact your mental and physical health

  • Leave you penniless

  • Take a lifetime of recovery

  • Leave your cup empty and depleted

  • Be a pointless sacrifice

With the right skills you can:

  • Be the parent your children deserve

  • Build resilience for life to come

  • Minimize lost time; and lost resources to costly family lawyers

  • Communicate effectively with your ex or co-parent

  • Refill your cup, recover and move on with confidence

  • Make. It. Count.

Thriving through divorce

But to get there you need evidence based tools and frameworks that will set you up for success through divorce and beyond

My approach is rooted in adult learning theory, positive psychology, leadership, evidenced based parenting, and neuroscience. I have curated a set of tools and techniques that work well for the challenges and issues encountered during all stages of divorce in addition to co-parenting and moving on.

Your divorce situation


Whether it was your decision or not, life feels completely out of control when contemplating or facing divorce. This is especially challenging when trying to parent effectively. Being able to identify what is in your control sets the baseline and is step one for growth. Being able to accept what is not in your control is step two.

Divorce mindset


Thoughts need to be managed. Thoughts and beliefs can have a profound impact on how you approach what is likely to be your toughest challenge yet. In the midst of a divorce your thoughts will be negatively skewed; yet your thoughts are not reality and can be engineered in a way that is empowering rather than self-sabotaging.

Take action after divorce


Divorce is about putting one foot in front of the other so you can reach the other side. Indecision, fear and procrastination can all get in the way of taking necessary steps. Identifying the way forward and having an accountability partner are all important aspects to recovering from divorce and thriving.

“Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response is our growth and freedom

-Victor Frankl

Follow me on IG where I get ‘reel’ about all things divorce